Monday, December 31, 2012


January 27
Milan (I)
15mm, 400pts, Ancients

February 3
York (UK)
28mm, 300pts

March 10
Middlesborough (UK)
28mm, 300pts

March 24
Crema (I)
28mm, 300pts

April 6
Cardiff (UK)
28mm, 300pts

April 7
Modena (I)
15mm, 400pts, Medieval
April 28
Grangemouth (UK)
28mm, 300pts

May 18-19
Sheffield (UK)
15mm and 28mm
June 1-2
Dunedin (NZ)
28mm, 300pts

June 16
Spilamberto (Modena - I)
28mm, 300pts

June 22
Colmenar de Oreja (Madrid - E)
15mm, open

June 29
Scarborough (UK)
28mm, 350pts

June 30
Vicenza (I)
15mm, 400pts, Medieval

July 21
Sheffield (UK)
6mm, open

August 17
Cardiff (UK)
28mm, 300pts, Classical period

September 22Vicenza (I)28mm, 300pts

September 28 -29
15 and 28mm
More info to come

October 5-6
Sydney (AUS)
28mm, 300pts
Ancients to Dark Age

December 8
Castegnato (Brescia I)
15mm, 400pts. Feudal period

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Maya are coming!!

To celebrate the end of the world, 3 beta lists dedicated to Maya will be released on December 21.

Keep tuned (even from your bunker!)

In the pic: Maya army from the collection of Xavier Morlec. Photo Frederic Machu.
Figures are a mix of 28mm from Outpost Wargames Service and Brear's Den.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Extra Impetus 5: pre orders available

Pre orders for Extra Impetus 5 can now be taken.

To pre-order you have to send and e-mail to dadiepiombo AT libero DOT it (with your name and country) before December 31.

No payment in advance. You will receive an e-mail from paypal when the book will be printed (around January 15).
By pre-ordering you can save 2 euros on the book and receive it as soon as possible.